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Sean Mundy

Sean is a multi-disciplinary artist with a heavy focus on conceptual photography & music. I first came across Sean's work called "Barriers" (https://superrare.com/artwork-v2/barriers-vi-28998) and have been following him ever since.

We start by discussing his recent "Sigil" sale, which sold for a whopping 7eth! Sean had minted this back in September of 2021, a true testament to how much he believes in his work.

We discuss Sean's curiosity and love for music, dive deep into his mental models for how he views his art, his fascination with the color red, and how he creates in such a fast-paced environment.

To wind things down, we discuss the ins and outs of minting on different chains and how artists can use different chains to explore different forms of expression.

Boonafide Socials:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BoonaETH
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Boonafidexp
Website: https://www.boonafide.com

Sean's work & socials:
Twitter- https://twitter.com/seanmundyphoto
Linktree- https://linktr.ee/seanmundy
Website- https://www.seanmundyphotography.com/
Super Rare- https://superrare.com/seanmundy